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From ???@??? Mon Jun 23 18:19:40 2008
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Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 22:49:40 +0530 (IST)
Subject: REPLY
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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Engr.Miss Janny Yousef, the chairperson of the Contract Award
Committee of the OIL AND GAS Industry here in Malaysia. After due
deliberation with my partner, I decided to forward to you this business
proposal that will benefit both of us.

We want you to assist us receive the sum of Ten Million, Six Hundred Thou=

United State Dollars (US$10.6m) cash in your country, which we have
arranged to move out of here to a save place where we can have access to
it and invest the money, the fund is currently at a security company. Thi=
fund resulted from an over-invoiced contract awarded by us under the
budget allocation to the ministry and the bill was approved for payment b=
the concerned ministries and was dully paid.

The contract was executed, commissioned and the contractor was paid his
actual cost of the contract. Now, we are left with the balance of US$10.6=
as the over invoiced amount, which we have deliberately over estimated fo=
our own use.

Please note that the law forbids civil servants to operate or own foreign
accounts hence this contact (that is why I contacted you).We have agreed
to share the money in the following percentages: 30 percent for you, 60
percent for us 10 percent for re-imbursement of expenses we may incur
during the shipment of the fund to you in your country. Note that this
transaction is very much free from all sorts of risk (100% risk free)henc=
the business was carefully planned before it was successfully executed an=
we the officials involved in the deal have put many years in service to
our ministry.

Upon indication of your interest to fully co-operate with us and your
readiness to receive this fund from us and keep it save till we come to
your country and share it, you are then required to send to me immediatel=
the below information for security reasons and onward action towards this
business deal. As soon as I receive this required information, I will
process the transaction and direct the security company to immediately
ship the fund to you. But before that, you have to assure me that you are
not going to disappear with the money when it is successfully delivered t=
you in your country.

1) Your full contact address where this fund will be delivered to you.

2) Your private telephone numbers.

3) Nationality

4) Occupation

5) Age/Sex

My partner and I will come over to your country to arrange for our own
share and possibly invest part of the money in a lucrative business in
your country, this is as soon as the fund is successfully shipped to you
and you receive it in your country.

Let honesty and trust be our watchword throughout this transaction. Your

Reply will be highly appreciated.

Best regards.

Engr.Miss Janny Yousef

