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From ???@??? Fri Oct 19 10:47:37 2007
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Beneficiary’s direct phone and fax numbers including email address.

when i spoke with the director of the security company,

Dr. Nll Kwame he says that my father has a contract bond with them without the above stated requirements they should not release the box to any of us not even me as the only son nor even my mother or my sister, as this is to avoid any of having any problem of cheating each other or cheating by African dubious officials here, as we are still too young to handle the money in question for investment,

that is why the security company need our late father foreign business who will assist us to clear the box out of the vault and help and guard us through the investment.

and since you have accepted to help us i will like as to act not just like my late father’s foreign business partner but as well as a future father to us as i would not mind living with you over there to settle down as a family if you truly help us to get the box money out of the security company as i don’t like to have anything doing in Africa anymore.

So please, i now religiously seek your help to assist me and my younger brother. note: I want to be dealing with you directly for security reasons i don’t want any third party to avoid problems as you are more conversant international monetary system with such transaction and the investment after the clearance of the box from the security company for the onward movement to you

(1)acting as my guardian while we continue education in your country

(2) be my sole benefactor where you will invest this money for us

the documents relating to this depositing of the consignment are intact with me, I shall send them to you for proof as soon as you indicate your interest in going into partnership with us, and my younger brother. and I have finally accepted offer you 25% of the money once is cleared if you can help us to get the box out of the security company and safeguard the money for profitable business ventures. And I will set aside 5% for any expenses that will occurred during the clearing of the box etc. and 5% for the charity organizations/motherless babies’ homes. God bless you and your family,

yours sincerely,

Jennifer Kagame,